The "Orders" page under the "Billing" menu enables you to see all of the information about all the purchases from your shop. All of your shop's transactions are available there, organized by date (by default, it is set to sort from newest to oldest).


You can search for the results and easily find the orders you're looking for by using the fields above. For instance, to identify Mr. Doe's orders, type "Doe" into search field, the result will appears.Also you can search with invoice or order number,just write number in search field and you will show result.

Creating an Order

One of the great features of Real Easy Store is the ability to create an order directly from the back office. For instance, this is tremendously useful when a customer wants to buy a product but does not succeed, and you need to take the hand and make the order while on the phone or during an e-mail conversation with the customer.

Clicking "New order" a new page with a single multi choose will be opened, labeled "Customer". When creating a new order through the back office, your first task is to associate that order with a customer.Choose from multi customer who want the order, and then click on "Start Order" button to complete order details.

Viewing an order's details

In order to process the orders you receive, you have to view the information they contain. Click on the order's number.

The order detail sheet fills in tabs.

At the order tab is a quick summary of the order: date it has been validated, number of invoice and order, item details,total amount of money,order staus and payment paid or not.

At the shipping tab is a quick summary of the shipping operation:customer name,country,city and full address for shipping.

At the messages tab is a chat between system user and customer for this order.

Updating the order

Orders are not definitive. There are many reasons why you would need to change an order before its products are gathered, packed and sent to their new owner: one of the product is out of stock, the customer changed his or her mind, etc.

At the bottom of the "order" detail page, you can find the "Update" button, which you can edit order.

Start to edit as you need, you can edit shipping information, add item, delete item and so on. Finally click on "Update order" button, now order is updated.

delete the order

You can delete order, just click on "delete" button at the end of order information window.