This API enable you get all information about specific license as date of creation, expire date, activation date, is active or not active duration and so on.


To request to server need specific parameters are a, b, api_Key, license_key, post_token and signature. The value of ’a ‘must be ‘license’ and ‘b’ equal ‘get’.

We send this parameter as "postData" array to server.

$apiKey = 'b65f86bf69bbd911c9653a0745c05eaa';
$apiSecret = '982fd1bbcbe8360ae13dd2f4d94d814e';
$apiURL = '';
$licenseKey = '54729985883734';

$postData = array(
'a' => 'license',
'b' => 'get',
'api_key' => apiKey,
'license_key' => licenseKey,
'rid' => '71', 'post_token' => md5(rand(1,500).time()),

Then sort postData descending sort.


Then concatenate all postData element and put them in signature.

foreach($postData as $key => $val) {
if((!is_string($val) && !is_numeric($val))) continue;
$signature .= $val;

An MD5 hash apiSecre and signature, The two values are concatenated and then hashed using the MD5 algorithm, then put MD5 result in signature and add it to postData.

$postData['signature'] = md5($apiSecret.$signature);

A-"function_exists " Function send request to server and determine property of request using curl library .

$request = curl_init($apiURL);
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postData);
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 120);
$responseData = curl_exec($request);
$responseHttpCode = curl_getinfo($request, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

Server Responces

1- if request hasn’t done successfully, mean response code not equal 200 this short message will appears to you.

if(!stristr($httpHeaders[0], '200'))
echo "API Request Failed, HTTP / Error: $httpHeaders[0]";

2- If responseData is empty or not string, this message will appears to you.

echo 'API Request Failed';

3-If responseData is empty or not array or "msg" key of responseData is empty or "type" key of responseData is empty, this message will appear.

if(empty($responseData) || !is_array($responseData) || empty($responseData['msg']) || empty($responseData['type']))
echo 'Invalid Response Data Syntax';

4-If value of "type" element in responseData isn’t equal success or responseData "exception" is empty .the response is "type" and "msg" value.

if($responseData['type'] !== 'success' || empty($responseData['exception'])) {
echo ucfirst($responseData['type']) . ' : ' . $responseData['msg'];

5-New parameter "signature Plus" used to ensure that this responce from license server,if "signature Plus" is equal server "signaturePlus",the responce is as below.

$signaturePlus = md5($postData['signature'].$apiSecret);
if($responseData['signature_plus'] !== $signaturePlus) {
echo 'Response received, an invalid signature plus detected, message not coming from license Server';

6-If type of "responseData" is equal success .the output as show below.

if($responseData['type'] == 'success') {
echo "License ( of specific RID ) request has been done, license data received";
echo "\r\n \r\n";
echo "Full Response Data in JSON";
echo "\r\n \r\n";
echo json_encode($responseData);
echo "\r\n \r\n";
echo "License data is always in the exception as following";
echo "\r\n \r\n";
echo json_encode($responseData['exception']);
echo "\r\n \r\n";
echo "You have to validate expiration and assert that license key have not been used at your application before if you prevent duplicate usage, or use verify_access method to determine license is new and unaccessed";
echo "\r\n \r\n";
echo "Please read license manager documentation at for more information and description of every field";
echo "\r\n \r\n";
exit(); }


License ( of specific RID ) request has been done, license data received

Full Response Data in JSON
{"msg":"License request done","exception":{"period_value":3,"static":{"my_parameter_2":"MY_VALUE","my_parameter_1":"YES"},"date_expire_time":1529464699,"period_unit":"months","date_active_time":1521559099,"date_access_time":1522854022,"is_access":1,"date_expire":"2018-06-20 03:18:19","license_key":54729985883734,"date_access":"2018-04-04 15:00:22","date_create_time":1521559099,"plan_rid":71,"plan_title":"My Software Plan - 3 Months","period_seconds":7905600,"is_expired":0,"user_id":2,"date_active":"2018-03-20 15:18:19","date_create":"2018-03-20 15:18:19","is_period":1,"order_id":2,"plan_id":2,"limits":{"max_users":300,"max_orders":1000,"custom_limit":900},"username":"agent"},"type":"success","signature_plus":"b53ae95d7c1cc4df161ecfc6d806c9c4"}

License data is always in the exception as following
{"period_value":3,"static":{"my_parameter_2":"MY_VALUE","my_parameter_1":"YES"},"date_expire_time":1529464699,"period_unit":"months","date_active_time":1521559099,"date_access_time":1522854022,"is_access":1,"date_expire":"2018-06-20 03:18:19","license_key":54729985883734,"date_access":"2018-04-04 15:00:22","date_create_time":1521559099,"plan_rid":71,"plan_title":"My Software Plan - 3 Months","period_seconds":7905600,"is_expired":0,"user_id":2,"date_active":"2018-03-20 15:18:19","date_create":"2018-03-20 15:18:19","is_period":1,"order_id":2,"plan_id":2,"limits":{"max_users":300,"max_orders":1000,"custom_limit":900},"username":"agent"}

You have to validate expiration and assert that license key have not been used at your application before if you prevent duplicate usage, or use verify_access method to determine license is new and unaccessed

Please read license manager documentation at for more information and description of every field