Mail Templates define the layout, content, and formatting of automated mail messages sent from your store. There are several mail templates available in License Manager such as Email Address Verification, Account Welcome Email, and Password Reset Request and so on.

System Mails

This section will be in the top left corner in this page, you'll see three columns in this section which are Template (name), ST (status), and Update Buttons, let's explain each one:

Note: All those templates in system mails are by default in your store, you can Active or Deactive them only.

Custom Templates

This section will be in the top right corner in this page, you'll see three columns in this section which are Template (name), ST (status), and Update Buttons, as mentioned above.

Add New Template

Click on this button to add a custom templates suitable for you, when you click on this button, a modal will appear, which will be exactly like the modal that appear when you click on Update Button.

Start to fill this fiels as you need.

Template Partials

You can add your template partials, like the mail footer or header, so you can add them in any Custom Templalate you add. This section will be in the bottom left corner in this page, you'll see a Button and two columns which are Partial (name), control buttons (Update, Delete), and Add Partial Button, let's explain each one:

Click on "Add partial" button to add a new partial to the template partials section, when you click on this button there's a modal will appear and will be containing tree fields which are Title, Slug and Body.